My thoughts, opinion, daily devotion, verse of the day, and answers.
From the desk of Trace Williams:
These are my thoughts and opinions for entertainment and education only. I am not a professional and I am not advising as such.
Evil Exposed
Our Society Today
Trace Williams
Are people finally waking up to evil exposed? Why is evil so visible now compared to times past when it existed, however, hidden?
There has always been evil in the world. It was either in hidden form and not spoken of and used to change a society in a more cloaked way, or at some point people were too busy with their day-to-day lives that it went un-noticed.
Maybe it is just me that finally noticed, particularly since 2015, how much evil really existed in this country and how that translated into how much evil exists worldwide. Maybe I am late to the game. I was too busy to notice, or too indifferent to care.
Neither of those statements are true, however. I stopped watching television many years ago. I stopped listening to the radio. I quit the mainstream media that was blowing smoke before I stopped watching television completely.
Before I quit watching television, I turned to TV Evangelism and really dove into what they were preaching. Until I realized that what they were preaching wasn’t quite the truth. I decided that if I can’t get the truth through the evangelists, I wasn’t going to get the truth anywhere on television. So, I shut it off.
Prior to turning off the television, you know, the box in the living room, the bedrooms, and sometimes even a bathroom, that tells us that anything goes and it’s okay? I partook of that darkness. Fortunately, what changed for me is that I was asked to join a group of people who was doing a study on something I had never heard of. The reason I was asked was due to a conversation and how my thoughts were on-spot with a member of this group who was fascinated by the information that was divulged to them; and amazed that I had already grasped what they were learning.
I politely declined the offer but proceeded to begin thorough research to understand why I thought what I thought. Then it hit me. I didn’t belong in that world of darkness as a participant but as a candle; a flicker of light. I realized that I was in that darkness to provide answers to questions I would have never thought I would hear in that setting. I didn’t bring up the conversations, yet somehow, I was inspired to give the answers. I didn’t know why.
I realized that I had been in these places, not by accident or coincidence, but by purpose. That purpose was not for my glory, but for the glory of God. To this day, I still see it that way.
Enough of that. Long story short. My eyes were truly opened to the evil and the darkness as I began my journey into the research of current events and the people involved in such heinous activities to find out why I thought what I thought. Now, I ask that you do your own research to understand who these people are and what they represent and why you think the way you do. I warn you… pray up, it gets really dark and evil the things you will find.
I believe Satan knows he is going away for a long period of time. He has, seemingly, stepped up his game. The evil now is just in your face raunchy. He knows that he and his demons are being exposed for who they are. But, I believe that he wishes to capture as many souls as he can before his departure.
His job now is far more difficult because of the exposure. The go woke-go broke mentality is taking over. There is a Spirit of Jesus rising up to begin to dominate over the evil that has been socially acceptable for a long period of time. That time frame is ours, remember. To the Lord, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.
We can see now that the world’s monetary system is about to change. When it does, the entire world will change. The evil of the system in which we currently live and the people behind it will be destroyed; and so too will the evil enslavement we have all been under. True sovereignty will prevail. True peace shall come upon us. And the righteousness of Jesus shall reign upon the earth for the next millennia.
The love of money is the root of all evil. When we get back to a society that loves each other more than that of money, the world will change drastically. I am not saying that we will not need money…we will. What I am saying is that we won’t value it over love of God, love of family, and love of country. When that occurs, we will be free to live under the influence of the Spirit of Jesus; in peace, in joy, and in love. This will allow us to live in freedom, sovereignty, and grace.
We are not in the end days yet. We are heading into the day of rest. We are heading into the Kingdom of Jesus where He rules with His kings and priests. This will be a day where Satan and his kings and priests are removed from power.
In order for all of this to happen, the exposure period must have taken place. It has. Soon it will be time to clean up the mess after the exposure and heightened battle that Satan has invoked upon us.
The present is bleak and dark for many. Prepare for the transition. Soon a new day will dawn where freedom will once again reign down upon us. The future is bright; full of peace, love, and joy. And the greatest of these is?
Questions and Answers from the Geneva Bible
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