In Search of Truth

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My thoughts, opinion, daily devotion, verse of the day, and answers.

From the desk of Trace Williams:

These are my thoughts and opinions for entertainment and education only.  I am not a professional and I am not advising as such.

Flawed Men, Flawed Systems

Flawed Men Under the Influence

Trace Williams

So, let me ask you a question.  Because a man has a title, does that make him more of a man?  Does it make him super-human; or, is he still just a man?  Still just a man, right?  Right.

Knowing that, can a man with a title be influenced by, educated by, or even manipulated by another to either willingly or unwittingly promote an idea, ideal, or agenda that is corrupt at its’ core?

What makes a man with a title any more special than a man without?  One would think it would be an expertise in a field of study.  But, what if the field of study was a flawed system by people who wish to influence others to promote this flawed idea, ideal, or agenda?

In order for the man to “earn” his title, he must prove his “worth” by passing the courses and by learning to implement his new knowledge and prove his effectiveness to perform or educate others according to his education in the flawed system.

My problem is not with the men or women who desire to gain that knowledge, or even the men or women who teach the system because they were taught the system as well.  Their ability to learn the system and to teach others the system proves their ability to learn and to implement what they have been “taught.”

My problem, however, is with the flawed system.

What if that flawed system has been around for years and years, how can it be flawed?  I once heard a theory on a newspaper.  If a newspaper had in it an article dated 1964, and we found two copies of that paper fifty years later, one had the original article and the other had the same title but the article was changed, then we know that the one that wasn’t changed was an original copy.  This may be true.  But, what if the original from 1964 was an inaccurate article from the start?  That makes the original article flawed, even though it has stood the test of time.

Just because a system has been around for years and years, and a tremendous amount of people have been educated in this system, doesn’t make the system accurate or uncorrupted or uncorruptible.

What if a man went through this system and found the system to be flawed, then expressed his knowledge to others?  Would he be speaking under the same authority as one who went through the system and earned his title?  They both went through the same system.  They both were “taught” the same information.  One may have done all required of him to “earn” his title.  The other may have had doubts about the system and furthered his studies outside the system proving the system flawed.  Who has more authority on the subject?

In today’s society, it seems as though the one who stayed in the system is more reputable than the “conspiracy theorist” that did his own research outside the system.

The one who stayed in the system becomes a little more closed-minded than the other and defends the system rather than looking outside the system for the truth.  The one who remains closed-minded then continues to teach the flawed system to tens, hundreds, even thousands more.  Until, at some point, the flawed system becomes the truth.

What I don’t understand is why we, as a people, are blindly led to follow this flawed system without question.  What do we call a small group of people who challenge this system?  Conspiracy theorists.  Extremists.  Occultists.  Rebels.

I am not saying that these categories don’t exist.  What I am saying is that we need to open our minds and look outside the system to determine whether the system is flawed with an intent to manipulate a mass of people into thinking, acting, and/or performing a certain way.

If we are in a system that is flawed with an intent to manipulate, then we, as a people, are being controlled.  Yes, even those with a title; the expert in the field.

Jesus came and walked among the people.  It was the educated, the leaders, the San Hedren, the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Scribes that Jesus called the brood of vipers.  It was their Synagogues that he called the Synagogue of Satan.  It was they that lived in, taught, and led in the flawed system.  It was Jesus that said you will not enter and you are keeping others from entering the Kingdom of God.  Woe to you.

Jesus went into the area of darkness where people were on the brink of spiritual death to shine His light and to bring His people out of that darkness.  He began His ministry in Galilee of the Gentiles.  He was referred to as a heathen, a drunkard, a glutton, and a blasphemer.  By whom?  The educated; the leaders of the system; the flawed system.  It was they that refused to see who Jesus was.  It was they that refused to look outside their system to find the truth.  It was they that did not recognize that Jesus was Immanuel; God with us.

If it were possible then, is it possible now?  Even more so now.  With todays’ technology, even more people can be manipulated by Satan than ever before.  It is time to look outside the system with an open mind.  As you search, be careful, there are conspiracy theorists, extremists, occultists, and rebels.  Use the Holy Spirit discernment as you travel down the path looking for truth.  There is a lot of darkness to get through.  Some of which is not for all to see.

There are very good people teaching in the flawed system.  However, there are evil ones that wish to entangle you in this system, as well.

I believe there are men with titles that preach the gospel to justify their lifestyle.  For example, I heard one not too long ago, justify his behavior with Psalms 49:16.  Let’s see what it says, and I will prove that teaching one verse at a time is dangerous, corruptible, and manipulative.

Psalms 49:16

16 Be not thou afrayd when one is made rich, and when the glory of his house is increased.

In other words, don’t be afraid when I become rich because I am increasing the House of The Lord.  Makes sense, right?

Let’s break down the sentence.  Don’t be afraid…who? You is the understood subject. “You” don’t be afraid.  Afraid of what?  When one is made rich.  Okay, why? when the glory of his house… who’s house?  God’s?  No, the house of the one who is made rich is increased.

Now let’s see what the whole message is in Psalms 49 in context.

Psalms 49:16-20

6 Be not thou afrayd when one is made rich, and when the glory of his house is increased.

17 For he shall take nothing away when he dieth, neither shall his pompe descende after him.

18 For while he liued, he reioyced himselfe: and men will prayse thee, when thou makest much of thy selfe.

19 He shall enter into the generation of his fathers, and they shall not liue for euer.

20 Man is in honour, and vnderstandeth not: he is like to beasts that perish.

The entire message is this:

Don’t be afraid when one is made rich for his own glory.  He can’t take it with him when he goes.  Nor will his splendor descend… what?  Descend?  Not ascend?  …after him.  While he was alive, he was proud of himself and his arrogance was evident; and men reveled in his accomplishments and held him in high regard because of his pride and arrogance.  He shall enter into the generation of his fathers, and they shall NOT live forever.  He exalts himself and does not understand that we do not live for the glory of man, but for the glory of God.  He will perish as does the beasts.

What was in the heart of the man that used Psalms 49:16?  I don’t know.  In his context, it seemed as though he was trying to justify his riches to the people who gave him his riches.  What was the intent?  Use the Holy Spirit discernment to decide.

My point is that there are people who use scripture to promote an idea, ideal, or agenda based on a flawed system.  Keep an open mind and research for yourself…outside the system you are in.

Questions and Answers from the Geneva Bible

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